Just before Ash Wednesday a friend asked if I was going to church to get my ashes. I told him no. He asked why and I answered with a shrug. He then asked if I was Catholic and I said no but I did enjoy going to church with my family sometimes. He then asked what I was if not Catholic. I just looked at him and knew the conversation was coming; I’ve known this person for over two years and had avoided this topic so far. I simply smiled and said, “I’m Pagan.”
With a straight face he said, “But that’s evil. You worship Satan.”
This person lives in my building and works downtown near my office, we tend to run into one another often. Though we don’t hang out socially we have had serious conversations about family, work and even politics. I’ve met his wife and children. He’s met my family. For at least a year he’s tried to convince me to go out with a friend of his because he thinks “I’m too special to be single.” He’s even been in my home. Yet he made a statement that could not have made any sense to him had he thought it out first.
This person lives in my building and works downtown near my office, we tend to run into one another often. Though we don’t hang out socially we have had serious conversations about family, work and even politics. I’ve met his wife and children. He’s met my family. For at least a year he’s tried to convince me to go out with a friend of his because he thinks “I’m too special to be single.” He’s even been in my home. Yet he made a statement that could not have made any sense to him had he thought it out first.
I asked him, “Do you think I’m evil?” He stared at me. Literally he seemed not to know what to say. So I asked again, “You’ve known me for how long? Do you think I’m evil?” Then he answered, “No.” But said that he knows what a Pagan is and they believe in Satan AND Satan is evil. I then told him to think about what he was saying and to go online and get some information. I told him that if he still thinks I might be evil then he doesn’t have to be friends with me any longer but if he had any questions he’d like me to answer or if he just wanted to hear from ME what my beliefs are then I would talk to him about it.
It’s been weeks and he hasn't brought the subject up again. I am curious as to what he did in order to still feel comfortable around me but not curious enough to ask.
The label of being Pagan just puts people on the defensive. Yet, I can’t lie about who I am.
I take my spirituality seriously but I’m so much more. I’m a woman. I’m Latina . I’m Boriqua. I’m a daughter. A sister. A niece. A cousin. A friend. I’m a native New Yorker and a world traveler. I’m a reader and a writer. I’m a teacher and a student. And, lately I'm quite the hockey fan. I’m smart, silly, stubborn and kind. I’m head-strong and sensitive. I'm argumentative yet supportive. I’m independent but like to be taken care of. I am loyal, honest, dependable and sometimes a bit of a flake. I have a bad temper yet I'm pretty forgiving. I can curse you out but I'm free with compliments too. I am so many things yet one label (a misrepresented one at that) often leads people to judge me before ever getting to really know anything about me.
Just to be clear… Paganism has a broad definition ~ see links below ~ so I am in no way saying that this is THE definition of a Pagan. It is simply a brief description of what being a Pagan personally means to me.
I believe in a God and a Goddess both male and female energies.
I believe in nature and the cycles of life in all of its forms.
I believe in spells and prayers.
I believe in group and Solitary worship.
I believe I can connect to spirit by sitting in a forest, a park or on my fire escape.
I believe in treating people the way we ourselves would like to be treated.
I believe in Karma. (And the Wiccan Rede)
I believe in counting my blessings.
I believe in freedom of choice and because of that I believe everyone has the right to their very own spirituality. I do not claim my way is THE way.
I believe in Jesus Chris t. This can be a sticking point with my Pagan and my Chris tian friends alike but I feel he was the son of God in the way we are all children of the Gods. I believe he existed if not as one man then as a representative of a spiritual movement. He was special because of his loyalty and love for his one God. He did give his life, the same as many others have because of their beliefs.
I believe in being informed and educated before judging especially when it comes to the life choices of others. We may have differences of opinion, I’m talking about spirituality here yet this holds true for anything. We haven’t walked the same path as anyone else so judging without really knowing is only going to keep both sides ignorant.
We all judge. I know that. It’s how we gauge what we like or don’t like. It’s how we decide things. It’s how we choose who and what surrounds us. We’re free to “opt out” if we aren’t comfortable with something but we don’t have to condemn. My point is KNOW why you make the choices you do. Think of the reality of things before blindly following others and placing labels.
I’d much rather someone NOT like me because I’m stubborn or talk too much or because of something I’ve actually done to them than because of a label I've been given. If you’re going to judge me then let it be for who I really am not for who you THINK I am.
Are you loyal to what you believe in or are you faithful ?
ReplyDeleteThe fella with a ga zillion tattoos.